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Hunting Glossary

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  • Walk - Hounds at walk, often known as Puppy Walking, is where whelps are sent to private homes, from the age of eight weeks until they get too big and boisterous for the walkers, at which point they return to kennels to learn how to fit in to the pack.
  • "Ware Hole/Wire/Glass" - Ware is often pronounced "War" and means beware. Therefore if you hear "War 'ole", or "Ware 'ole" it actually means mind out there is a hole in the ground coming up or any other hazard.
  • Whelp - A new born hound is a whelp and remains so until it comes back from being walked.
  • Whip in the air - This means stand still where you are, NOT wait until you get level with the Field Master and then stop.
  • Whip held to side by huntsman - If the whip is in the huntsman's right hand he will be keeping the hounds to his left.
  • Whipper-in - The person who helps the huntsman control the hounds. This person has right of way at all times and will only give way to the Huntsman.

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