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Horse Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  • Impaction - Blockage of the digestive tract with food material (usually in the large intestine).
  • Impulsion - The energy and thrust forward characterized by a forward reaching rather than a backward pushing motion.
  • In the hole - Third in line to enter the pen; after "on deck."
  • In-and-Out - Combination fence.
  • In-hand class - A class in which the horse is led by the exhibitor.
  • Inside - In a pen or riding ring, the side of the horse toward the center.
  • Interdental space - The space on the horse's jawbone between the incisors and pre-molars where there are no teeth, making room for the bit.
  • Intestinal flora - The normal bacteria found in the intestine.
  • Intravenous - In the vein.
  • Intussusception - Telescoping of the intestine.
  • Inversion - A dangerous condition where a horse's respiration rate is higher than its pulse rate.
  • Irons - Stirrups on an English saddle.
  • Isoerythrolysis - A condition in which antibodies in the mare's colostrum destroy the foal's red blood cells.

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