E.E.E. - Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, viral disease of horses affecting the brain.
E.I.A. - Equine Infectious Anemia, known as swamp fever. Equine infectious anemia is a disease which is caused by a virus. It can be spread by 3 principle means. Through blood sucking flys or insects. In-utero or Colostral infection, or careless use of needles or other equipment in contact with open wounds.
E.V.A. - Equine viral arteritis.
Easyboot - A brand name for a vinyl boot that encloses the horse's hoof.
Elbow - Joint between the humerus and the radius and ulna, located on the foreleg between the shoulder joint (scaputahumeral) and the knee (carpal joint).
Electrolyte - A water solution of salts used to replace or reinforce the normal salts of the blood.
Electrolytes - Minerals necessary for many body functions.
Elimination - Disqualification from placings because of an infraction of a specifically stated rule, such as a fall, going off pattern, etc.; a process of selecting semifinalists from a very large number of riders.
Embryo - The early stage of development of the fetus.
Endoscope - An instrument using fiberoptics to view the inside of body cavities.
Engage - To shift weight to the hindquarters, to work off the hindquarters and stride forward with the hind legs.
Engagement - Use of the horse's back and hindquarters to create energy and impulsion to forward movement. An engaged horse has a rounded top line, dropped croup, flexed abdominals, and elevated head and neck.
Ensilage (silage) - Fodder such as corn or grass preserved by storing without air in a silo.
Equestrian - Of or pertaining to horseman or horsemanship; a rider.
Equestrienne - Female rider or performer.
Equine encephalomyelitis - A viral disease causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
Equine influenza - A viral disease affecting the respiratory tract of the horse.
Equine viral arteritis - A viral disease of the horse, usually mild but often causing abortion in the mare.
Equine - The family of Equidae, horses, asses, and zebras.
Equitation - The art of riding.
Ergot - A horny growth behind the fetlock joint.
Estrogen - Female hormone. Estrogen is found in large quantities in green grass and tends to increase the fertility of mares.
Estrus - "Heat," reproductive period when mare will accept stallion. Cycle lasts 19 to 26 days., the average being 21 days.
Evasion - Avoidance of an aid; for example, a horse that overflexes or gets "behind the bit" to keep from accepting contact with the bit.
Eventing - Combined training including dressage, cross country, and stadium jumping.
Extention - Faster, longer strides in any gait while maintaining the original rhythm.. The outline of the horse should appear to lengthen. with the head and neck stretching forward. The stride should have more impulsion.
Extension - Lowering and lengthening of a particular frame and stride .
Extensor tendons - Tendons located at the front of a limb.
Extensor - Muscle responsible for opening the angle of a joint.
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